Friday, January 9, 2009

i keep wanting to think of really thought provoking titles,and fail

i love acting, and singing, and dancing, and you would think "oh, that's a great combination for broadway stars, you should do that if you love those things so much" and you would be right, if i were good at any of those things, i LOVE performing, even though i get HORRIBLE stage fright, and i can deal with it when i'm acting, because i'm not ME, i'm someone else, but when i'm singing, i AM me, and everyone knows i'm me, everyone knows that music is my life, so its hard to pretend to be someone else, and when i dance, well i dance ballroom, so for me, its just me and my partner, no one else, so i don't get as nervous, and when i did ensemble dancing, i didn't worry about it, till afterward, if that makes sense, i'm very self conscious, but usually only after the fact, because i know i'm not skinny, and i don't have the best posture, and stuff like that, hmmm, i have digressed again, i was going to talk about how much i love theatre and how much i love acting and stuff like that, well i guess i will just start over from here, haha. ANYWAY, i LOVE acting, when you completely NAIL a performance, it is the BEST feeling in the world, at least to me it is, it's like a natural high and it makes me so happy, NOTHING can bring me down. but i'm not very good, i've auditioned for plays and musicals, and for plays i don't usually get a part (unless it is in a drama class) and for musicals, i've always been ensemble, in the last musical i was in (West Side Story) i was ensemble, but it was the half of the ensemble that didn't sing, yes that's right, i was a Jet Girl, this was one of the only times in my life i was frustrated at my ethnicity, WHY did i have to be scottish? i just HAD to be one of the whitest girls in the production, and what made it worse, was there was a guy that is whiter than i am and was a shark, tell me how that makes sense? (sorry i have digressed...AGAIN, haha) anyway, i love acting, and being up on stage is the best feeling in the world, and i'd love to do it as a career, but that isn't exactly a stable industry, and i'm not good enough to make a career out of it, *sigh* maybe some day

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