ok so for people that have been caught up on my life and know that i told tyler and all that, well i sent one thing and he was being a dumb butt and wasn't answering, so i went with the most direct route possible and i said "i just gotta know, do you like me back or not?" and he sent back "sorry not like that :( you're a sweetheart and all but i'm seeing somebody" ouch, he couldn't have said that in the first place? this was one of those times that makes me glad that it didn't happen face to face cause it made it that much easier. second time i've EVER decided to be outgoing and everything and told a guy that i liked him, both times kinda sucked. maybe i'll just give up and become an old maid....*sigh* idk, i'm just tired of getting hurt, or maybe i'll just stop taking initiative, i've been told that guys like it when you're outgoing enough to say it out right, but from my experience, that isn't always true, well at least whenever i took initiative it didn't end well, both times, however, the guys and i have decided to be friends, and the first instance and i are still friends, he's like my brother now, haha, and for tyler, well we'll see, i asked him if we could still be friends and he's all like "ummm duh :)" and i'm like, don't be cute NOW dumb butt, i didn't actually say that, but jeez, did he have to do something to make me smile THEN?? *sigh* so confusing. all i can say is i <3>
You're only 18, you can't give up now, that would be really dumb. You can't do something twice, have it not work, and decide never to do it again. Then if it ever has a chance to happen, you won't know about it because you'll have given up.
I'm in history now so sorry if this isn't coherent but we can talk later if you want.
sadly, best words of wisdom so far, thanks, today's just been a roller coaster for me, and it sucks. and this isn't only the second time i've been hurt, just the second time it's happened when i took initiative (did that make sense?) and i probably will do it again, and i'll be hurt numerous times before i find someone worth my time, and in bitzke's words "sometimes you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince" i loved that quote
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